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2023-12-25 03:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



思考可能使用的词伙思考可能使用的句子对照自己的句子和正确的句子,写出语法错误 100句翻译:



regular exercise boost/increase one’s confidence

翻译: regular exercise can boost one’s self-confidence.


词伙: the quality of teaching/standard of education improve academic performance/improve grades

翻译: The quality of teaching can make a huge difference to students’s academic performance.



screen time

翻译: Parents and teachers should make an effort to limit children’s screen time.


词伙: economic slowdown/economic downturn/economic recession unemployment rate

翻译: Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate.

5:经济的发展需要年轻的劳动者 。

词伙: economic growth/ economic development labor force/ a young workforce

翻译: A country’s economic development relies on a supply of young workers.


词伙: a heavy workload overloaded with work busy with work


People with a heavy workload do not have adequate time to rest.


词伙: learn by themselves/ self-study/ self-education

翻译: A large number of students in China have to do self-study at night.

8:文化遗址 因为城市发展而受到威胁 。 词伙: heritage sites/ historic buildings/ cultural sites pose a threat to, under threat

翻译: The development of cities has posed a threat to heritage sites.


词伙: face-to-face communication

翻译: We should not ignore face-to-face communication.

10:有些公共服务很难 做到 收支平衡

词伙: public services, essential services break even

翻译: Some essential services have problems in breaking even.


词伙: The social and ecomomic context the economic climate

翻译: We have to consider the social and economic context.

12:密度种植对生物多样性造成了威胁 。

词伙: intensive farming species diversity, bio-diversity

翻译: Intensive farming can pose a threat to bio-diversity.

13:平等 接受 教育 的机会 能 够 帮助 学生 解决成绩不好 的问题

词伙: equal access to education poor grades, poor performance, educational underachievement

翻译: Equal access to education can help to tackle educational underachievement.


词伙: exposure to different cultures foster innovation, encourage creativity

翻译: Exposure to different cultures can encourage creativity.

15:政府应该重视社会福 利 ,尤其是医疗服务。

词伙: welfare services healthcare, medical care

翻译: The government should give priority to welfare services, especially the healthcare.


词伙: hold the key to s.th job prospect, career prospect

翻译: Education may hold the key to one’s job prospects.

17:使用化石资源 会 对环境会造成破坏。

词伙: fossil fuels cause damage to the environment, cause environmental destruction

翻译: The use of fossil fuels can cause damage to the environment.

18:建造住宅楼有助于解决城市的 拥堵 问题。

词伙: apartment blocks, residential buildings

翻译: Building apartment blocks helps solve overcrowding in cities.

19:贫穷的人可以通过努力工作来提高 其 社会地位

词伙: from disadvantaged backgrounds, of low socio-economic status improve their social status

翻译: People from disadvantaged backgrounds can improve their social status by working hard.

20:因为全球化,人们需要和来自不同背景的人 一起 工作。

词伙: diverse backgrounds

翻译: Because of globalization, people need to work with those from diverse backgrouds.


词伙: take action, take steps intractable problems, throny problems

翻译: we need to take action to solve some intractable problems.


词伙: attract public attention, attract viewer, increase ratings sensationalise suffering

翻译: The media attract public attention by sensationalising the victims’ suffering.

23:基因工程让人们能培育 新品种农作物 。

词伙: nuture crop varieties

翻译: Genetic engineering allows people to nurture crop varieties.


词伙: working mothers, female employees with children maternity leave

翻译: Companies should provide maternity leave and other helps to female employees with children.

25:不健康的生活习惯 让人们处于生病的危险之中。

词伙: an unhealthy lifestyle put people at risk of illness, pose health risks

翻译: An unhealthy lifestyle may put people at risk of illness.


词伙: government grants take postgraduate courses

翻译: Government grants could encourage more students to take postgraduate courses.


词伙: community service acquire transferable skills, job skills, vocational skills

翻译: Community service provides offenders with opportunities to acquire transferable skills.

28:法律应该将醉驾 判定 为 刑事犯罪。

词伙: drink driving criminal offence

翻译: legislation should make drink driving a criminal offence.


词伙: rural areas escape pressure modern life

翻译: Rural areas provides peoples with opportunities to escape pressure and noise of modern life.

30:人口老龄化促使国家去 提高法定 退休年龄

词伙: ageing population raise the statutory retirement age

翻译: The ageing population has prompted countries to raise the statutory retirement age.


词伙: communication technology attend lessons take classes

翻译: The development of communication technology makes people to take classes at home.

32: 学校应该允许老师强制捣蛋的小孩离开教室。

词伙: use force to do s.th disruptive children, unruly children

翻译: Trachers should be permited to use force to remove disruptive children from the classroom.

33:农村的失业问题在某种程度上可以通过城乡转移 来 解决。 词伙: rural areas, rural communities the rural-to-urban shift

翻译: Unemployment in rural areas can be addressed partially by the rural-to-urban shift.

34:高层建筑有时候被认为是城市 里 的 碍眼之物

词伙: high-right buildings, tower blocks eyesores of the city

翻译: High-rise buildings are sometimes regarded as eyesores of the city.


词伙: space technology government spending, government funding

翻译: The investment in space technology should be supported by the government funding.

36:历史文物因为 其 历史重要性而被保存 。

词伙: artefacts, historically important objects, historic relics historical significance

翻译: Historic relics should be preserved for their historical significance.

37:学校活动的设置要 让孩子体会到成就感和提升他们的幸福 感 。 词伙: school activities a sense of accomplishment, a sense of achievement a sense of happiness, a sense of well-being, promote their well-being

翻译: School activities can be designed to give children a sense of accomplishment and to promote their well-being.

38:一些员工被鼓励着去打破陈规 。

词伙: break the mould break the obsolete rules

翻译: Some employees are encouraged to break the mould.

39: 由于交通堵塞 上下班的时间变得更长了 。

词伙: commuting time traffic congestion, traffic jams

翻译: Commuting time has been prolonged because of traffic jams.

40:电脑技能可以运用到学习工作中 。

词伙: working lives acquire computer skills

翻译: Computer skills can be applied in their studies as well as their working lives.


词伙: environmental degradation, environmental destruction, environmental problems human activities

翻译: The most of environmental degradation is contributed to human activities.

42:许多孩子每天接触暴力内容 。

词伙: violent content

翻译: Many children are exposed to violent content every day.

43:家庭环境被认为是小孩成长最重要的影响 因素 。

词伙: famliy environment, home environment

翻译: Famliy environment is widely thought/ believed to be the most important influence on children’s development.

44:随着越来越多的年轻人参加志愿者工作,社区的凝聚力会加强 。

词伙: volunteer work, work without asking for pay community cohesion

翻译: With an increasing number of young people participating in volunteer work, community cohesion will be enhanced.


词伙: social cohesion, national unity

翻译: Immigrants were sometimes recognised as a threat to social cohesion.


词伙: tertiary education qualifications, a college degree working in low-skilled jobs, menial jobs

翻译: Young people without tertiary education qualifications normally end up working in low-skilled jobs. end up: 不及物动词 working in low-skilled jobs: 分词做状语

47:一些人不支持转基因食品 。

词伙: genetically modified food, genetically engineered food

翻译: Some people disapprove of genetically modified food.

48:人们竭力设计 景点 使其符合 游客的需要和品味 。

词伙: tourist spots, tourist attractions cater for tourists’ tastes and needs

翻译: tourist spots endeavour to cater for tourists’ tastes and needs


词伙: highly competitive society, intensely competitive society career advancement, career progression

翻译: In a highly competitive society, working adults usually focus on their career advancement.


词伙: perception of beauty differs from culture to culture

翻译: Perception of beauty differs from culture to culture. differ: 不及物动词

51:因为费用的下降,航空业 最近几十年发展得很快。

词伙: low-cost carriers, cheap air travel the airline industry, the aviation industry at an astounding pace

翻译: Because of low-cost carriers, the airline industry has developed at an astounding pace over the past decades.

52:动物实验有时候不能够检验出药物的 副作用。

词伙: animal experiments, animal testing side effects

翻译: Animal experiments sometimes fail to detect the undesirable side effects of drugs.


词伙: illegal hunting, poaching

翻译: some animals have died out because of Illegal hunting.


词伙: communication skills, interpersonal skills vary across ages

翻译: The impact of computers on communication skills varies across ages.


词伙: seek employment, pursue a career male-dominated world

翻译: Many girls are not willing to seek employment in a male-dominated world.


词伙: impart knowledge

翻译: The main function of schools is impart knowledge to the next generation.


词伙: core subject areas, mandatory subjects

翻译: The arts are not among core subject areas in school.


词伙: the uncertainty about the economic outlook

翻译: Because of the uncertainty about the economic outlook, many companies are unlikely to recruit new employees.


词伙: air freight, air transport greenhouse gases

翻译: Air freight is likely to create enormous greenhouse gases.

60:孩子很可能有行为的问题 。

词伙: behavioural problems, poor behaviour

翻译: Some children are likely to have behavioural problems.


词伙: population expansion, population growth accumulation of waste

翻译: The rapid population expansion is the main reason for the huge accumulation of waste.

62:严格的惩罚是减少犯罪率的有效手段 。

词伙: stiff\severe\harsh punishment reduce crime, combat crime, deter crime

翻译: Stiff punishment is an effective method to reduce crime.


词伙: clean energy, renewable energy resources air pollution

翻译: The development of clean energy can solve the air pollution problem.

64:因为失业率高升,大学生 迫于 压力而 努力学习 。

词伙: feel under increasing pressure unemployment rate

翻译: Undergraduates feel under increasing pressure to study hard, because of the soaring unemployment rate.

65:种族歧视仍然很严重 。

词伙: racial discrimination

翻译: Racial discrimination remains a serious problem.


词伙: learning by rote improve numeracy, mathematical skills

翻译: Learning time tables by rote is not the best way to improve numeracy.

67:贫穷国家的首要 任务 是满足人们 的 基本生存需求

词伙: deprived countries, underdeveloped conturies satisfy basic needs, cover basic needs top priority

翻译: The top priority of deprived countries is to satisfy citizens’ basic needs.

68:人工智能对社会的影响依然未知 。

词伙: artificial intelligence

69:网络购物已经成为 很多人生活中 很普通的一部分。

词伙: shopping online, online shopping a normal part of everyday life

翻译: Shopping online has become a normal part of people’s everyday life.

70:在 消费社会里,人们不再满足 于 生活必需品。

词伙: a consumer society bare necessities, satisfy people’s needs

翻译: In the consumer society, bare necessities are not able to satisfy people’s needs.


词伙: unhealthy lifestyle

翻译: People’s unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely heavily on technology.

72:贫穷是社区犯罪增多 的原因。

词伙: crime wave

翻译: Poverty is responsible for the crime wave in many communities.

7 3 :电动 汽车的发明是我们 为 维护环境所做 出的一部分 努力。

词伙: electric vehicles sustain the environment, preserve the environment

翻译: The inventation of electric vehicles is part of our effort to sustain the environment.

7 4 :送贵重的礼物 是中国的习惯 。

词伙: lavish gifts, expensive gifts

翻译: It is very common in China to exchange lavish gifts.

7 5 :未来几十年我们很难保护 语言 的 多样性 。

词伙: linguistic diversity coming decades, decades to come

翻译: It is difficult for us to preserve linguistic diversity in the coming decades.

7 6 :随着年龄增长 我们 很难和朋友 、 家人保持联系 。

词伙: maintain contact with, keep in touch with

翻译: with age, people find it difficult to maintain contact with family and friends.

7 7 :免费上大学使得 家境 不好的学生有同等的上学机会 。

词伙: free university education, equal access to higher education from less well-off backgrounds, from poor homes

翻译: Free university education makes it possible for students from less well-off backgrounds to have equal access to higher education.

7 8 :很多人觉得自己有必要赶时尚。

词伙: follow fashion

翻译: Many people consider it necessary to follow fashion.

7 9 :经费 缩 减让很多年轻人很难接受大学教育。

词伙: budget cuts receive a college education, go to college, attend university

翻译: Budget cuts make it difficult for many young people to receive a college education.

80 :有时候,很难去评估人类行为 造成 的环境代价。

词伙: environmental cost, environmental damage, environmental impact

翻译: Sometimes, it it difficult to evaluate the environmental cost of human’s activities.

8 1 :在大城市有一些贫困的社区。

词伙: economically deprived communities

翻译: There are some economically deprived communities in large cities.

8 2 :按照能力分班和学生的成绩没有明显的联系。

词伙: grouping students by ability educational attainment, exam results

翻译: There is no clear link between grouping students by ability and their educational attainment.

8 3 使用 多媒体可以提升学生的注意力 让他们对课程保持兴趣 。

词伙: visual aids improve concentration, keep students’ interest

8 4:名人 的成功鼓励年轻人努力学习 坚忍不拔 。

词伙: show perseverance

8 5 :在发展中国家开设新的分 公司 可以降低生产成本 产生巨大的利润

词伙: set up operations, open new branches manufacturing cost generate hug profit, generate revenue

翻译: Opening new branches in developing countries can reduce manufacturing cost and generate hug profit.


词伙: lifestyle changes make a huge difference reduce the impact lessen the impact

翻译: Small lifestyle changes can make a huge difference and reduce the environmental impact of our daily activities.

8 7 :因为没有实习机会,对他们来说提升工作技能是很难的 。

词伙: work placements, internships improve practical skills, increase hands-on experience

翻译: It is hard for them to improve practical skills because there are no work placements.

8 8 即使获得了文凭 大学生 也 没办法赚到 很多 钱 。

词伙: gain qualifications, obtain a degree make a decent living, earn money

翻译: University students cannot earn a lot of money even they have gained qualifications.

8 9 :因为激烈的竞争 和技术的迅速发展,现在经营一家公司是一个艰巨的任 务。

词伙: run a business a daunting task, a demanding job

翻译: Running an organisation in today’s world is a daunting task, because competition is stiff and technology is developing rapidly.

9 0 :事实是 因为机械化的原因 一些工作已经被砍掉

词伙: make redundant, lose jobs

翻译: The fact is that some jobs have made redundant because of the mechanization.

9 1 :现在很多人选择 变得 环保和减少能源的使用 事实确实如此

词伙: go green, environmentally conscious

翻译: It is true that many people today have chosen to go green and cut down on the use of energy.

9 2 :判刑 会 对年轻人 产生 伤害,因为犯罪的记录会给他们职业留下阴影。

词伙: a prison sentence, imprisonment cast a long shadow on

翻译: A prison sentence can be damaging to young people, due to the fact that the criminal record can cast a long shadow on their career.

9 3 :我相信快餐广告和 普遍的 肥胖 有直接的关 系。

词伙: a direct link between A and B rising levels of obesity, obesity figures, obesity epidemics

翻译: I believe that there is a direct link between fast food advertisements and rising levels of obesity.

9 4 将政府的资金 用于污染清理工作,这可以创造一个舒适的环境。

词伙: clean-up operation, a clean environment, a pleasant environment

翻译: Money can be used for the clean-up operation, which can help to create a pleasant environment.

9 5 有 些广告鼓励消费者买一些自己不需要的东西 应该对其加强管制 。

词伙: regulate, tighten the control over, exercise tight control over

9 6 :这 有助于提高空气质量, 从而 降低了 得 一些 疾病 的风险,比如呼吸道疾病。

词伙: respiratory diseases

翻译: .This can help to improve air quality which can reduce the risk of suffering health problems such as respiratory diseases.

9 7 :当局应该控制这些夸张报道社会问题的新闻。

词伙: censor news give an exaggerated account of

翻译: Authorities should censor these news reports which give an exaggerated account of social problems.

98: 这就是为什么文员 经常有健康问题 的原因 。

词伙: clerical workers, office workers health problems, poor health

翻译: It is the reason why many clerical workers suffer health problems today.

99: 许多员工愿意在那些可以获得晋升机会的公司工作。

词伙: get promoted, opportunities for promotions

翻译: Many employees prefer to work in companies where they can gain promotional opportunities.


词伙: world famous universities, renowned universities english-speaking counties

翻译: Many young people have chosen to learn in english-speaking counties, where they can study at some world famous universities.






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